For Beginners a Simple Everyday Makeup Routine

Do you get excited looking at glamorous models and the fabulous products they advertise, but aren’t sure if they’re for you? Well, stop! When you know some of the most basic makeup tips to use, for example - how to best use Lip primer or HD foundation, best skincare products, best makeup products, and beauty products online, can help make you look just like them, enhancing your natural beauty. 

Here are a few basic makeup tips so you can glam up your everyday look: -

Use a cream-based cleanser for dry skin or a gel-based cleanser for oily skin. Cleansing helps to clean your face of dirt and sediments from everyday pollution. you can use Fashion color cleansing milk. 


Use a cotton ball and dab some toner over your face and neck, it is very important for oily and acne-prone skin types. The best toner is Raspberry Skin Toner.

It is essential to hydrate your skin, keeping it soft and supple to achieve a smooth finish look. Choose an oil-based moisturizer for dry skin or water-based for oily skin. The Fashion Colour Water Based moisturizer primer works onto the first layer of your skin to give it just the right moisture without making your skin oily or greasy. Watery Texture, smooth like silk, has a watery brilliant sense.

Step 1: Primer
A primer sets the base for your makeup and also makes it last longer. A BB, CC cream, or tinted moisturizer also works as primers. Choose whatever is suitable for your skin. Some of these creams have the added benefit of sunscreen protection.

Step 2: Concealer
Dark circles and blemishes need to be evened out or concealed. Choose a concealer two shades lighter than your skin tone to match.

Step 3: Foundation
The purpose of applying foundation is to even out skin tone without making it look unnatural and bright. Choose the correct shade based on your skin. Apply the foundation with your finger or use a brush and blend well with a sponge.

Step 4: Eye makeup
Use an eyeshadow palette and sweep a single colour over your lids. You could go with nude, dull pink, or experimenting with bold and loud colours. If you’re not confident with that, apply a thick line of a colored liner.

Step 5: Eyeliner and Blush
Add kajal to the lower waterline of your eye. A variety of colours are available but it’s best to start with black. It isn’t very difficult to use a sketch liner and follow along the line of your lashes. With practice, you will be able to ace the eye look. 

Tint your cheeks with a pink or a reddish tint. Use a blush brush with a light hand and apply from the inside and brush outward. Make sure it’s not too prominent.

Step 6: Lipstick
Before application, use an old brush or a towel over your lips to scrape off dead skin and moisturize your lips. Use a lip liner to define the shape of your lips; do it before you apply lipstick. The colour of your lip liner and lipstick should match. Choose a colour that will compliment your look.

Wearing makeup is fun and easy and can make you feel more confident. Visit our website for some amazing fashion cosmetics to help give our style a little boost.

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